Never the Same

Well, this is it- my very last blog post. “El utimo.” Somehow the time flew like an arrow and suddenly I’ve got a little less than a month left here in Tucson. Clouds are ceasing to exist in the sky, only the bright sun seems to be “up there” most days and the daily high in temperature now ranges from about 104-112 degrees… and it’s only June! Admittedly, I’m a little scared for what temperatures July might bring. Biking/walking/existing in this weather gets a little, well… sweaty. (Ok, I lied- a lot sweaty.)
Since I’d never really blogged before this year, I am not sure exactly how to wrap up/summarize my YAV year in blog form with grace and to not forget anything important. I assume subjects to cover include but are not limited to such things as:
• What I’ve learned this year
• How I’ve grown/changed as a person
• What I will miss
• What I won’t miss
• “God Winks” throughout the year
I will try to do all of these things as well as possible, though it definitely is going to be impossible to cover everything memorable & meaningful, because, well- to be honest, this whole year will forever be imprinted into my memory, my being, It shapes who I am and who I will become. I’ve experienced and seen things you just can’t find in a college classroom or within the comfort zone of their home town. Anyways, here it goes:
A year ago, a recent high, wide-eyed school graduate with an unquenchable thirst for adventure and life experience packed up her belongings, boarded a plane and moved exactly 1,107.5 miles (yes, I Google-mapped that for “accuracy”) from Goshen, Kentucky to Tucson, Arizona to live for a year serving others. The rest of her classmates headed off to college, or the army or the work place. She didn’t know a single person in the town, or any of the 11 people she was going to be living with. In fact, she didn’t even really know what she was going to be doing for the year. Most people didn’t understand how or why she was doing what she was doing, especially at such a young age. A few even thought maybe she was just crazy (hence the title of my blog.)
Well, after a year here, I can say that am happier than I’ve ever been. I like who I am, and I could not of said that going into this year. I know what I believe, I have seen faith in action and God at work. It has been the hardest year of my life, with challenges that I sometimes didn’t believe I’d be able to overcome and situations more frustratingly impossible than I’d of ever thought. But how else does one grow? Now, I can personally look back and pull from times when I’m facing a challenge. I can speak and feel as if I really know what I’m talking about. I can tell stories… sad ones, inspiring ones, hilarious ones. So, maybe I am a little crazy for going through with this year at such a young age and so far from home, but I feel bad for the “sane” people who will never be able to experience things like I have.
Charles Dickens said: "Minds,like bodies,will often fall into a lazy, conditioned state from mere excess of comfort." I myself completely agree with that… I try to do at least one thing a day that scares or challenges me so that I don’t let myself get too comfortable. This year definitely has had no shortfalls of that. In other words, my mind has gotten its fair share of exercise.
Instead of writing 15+ pages of all the events and things I’ve taken part in this year, I will finish up by making a list from this year (while they’re still fresh in my mind) of what that will stand out from this year and stay with me forever. Also, I can look back on this in case I forget over time.

• Participating in a posada in Nogales, Mexico.
• Running my first marathon.
• Learning how to live simply- making/utilizing a backyard chicken coop, garden, composting, etc.
• Getting countless flat tires on my bike… thus learning how to quickly patch a flat bike tire.
• Drinking freshly brewed coffee in Agua Prieta, Mexico.
• Camping in the Grand Canyon.
• Teaching Sunday School
• Almost stepping on a rattlesnake/tarantula (separate occasions)
• Participating in protests/rallies/press conferences
• Making friendships that will last a lifetime.
• Emceeing a talent show
• Facilitating meetings
• Learning how to cook and bake things outside of a toaster or microwave (This one’s monumental)
• Improving my Spanish immensely
• Appreciating rain- we don’t really get much!
• And so much more!!
To finish out this blog post, I will end with a quote (yes, in case you haven’t figured it out by now, I love quotes!) This quote though, is really special to me. It goes: "She wasn't where she had been. She wasn't where she was going…but she was on her way." I actually saw it for the first time in a Southwest Airlines “SkyMag” magazine flying on my way from Kentucky to Arizona, the perfect time to discover it… as I was literally on my way. I wouldn’t trade this year for anything… and I hope those of you who have been following me via Facebook and/or this blog have enjoyed going through it with me as well. Paz.


One comment on “Never the Same

  1. Sally Rowland says:

    I am so proud of you and happy for you at the same time. You are an amazing young woman and I am glad you have had this opportunity. You are right – you have experienced something the other young folks just won’t understand. You will be ‘older’ and wiser. Have grace with them.
    I hope that I get to see you sometime once you are home, but I realize that may not happen. I am guessing you will head off to college now, but……maybe not? I don’t know.
    Blessings to you and all those who worked with you this past year. Blessings to your folks who gave you wings to fly on this wonderful adventure.

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