On the Sunny Side

So, I do in fact realize that the half-way point has already (somehow) come and gone in my YAV year. Time seems to accelerate as the calendar pages are flipped, and I have a feeling every week is going to seem shorter than the last. That being said, calling this a “mid-year” self evaluation might not be a completely accurate way of describing the contents of this blog post… but hopefully that won’t matter too much and all will be forgiven. And in fact, it’s probably going to be more of a self-examination than evaluation.

It’s Monday morning, and I’ve been at Southside since 5:30 this morning, it’s 9:00 a.m. now and I have just finally sat down at my desk. It’s still very loud outside in the courtyard- The local Hari Krishna community has come to play music for the clients while they eat. They’re currently walking in circles chanting, equipped with drums, tambourines and what appears to be some sort of handheld keyboard/accordion in one. (No, I’m not making this up.) I’m not sure how everyone feels about this, it’s going on hour #3 and they don’t seem to be letting up any time soon.

Boone, who heads the men’s showers, is screaming over the Hari Krishnas’ music for the next person to get in the shower now or not at all.

And then, there’s the constant murmur of conversation from those who are still eating or waiting for showers. I’m not bothered in the least though, because the church is full of life this morning and has been since before the sun even came up.

Speaking of conversation, I’ll be taking this time to write about some of the sillier things I’ve learned this year, things that are specific to being a Borderlands YAV… so far anyways. Why ‘silly’? Because those of you who personally know me know that it’s been killing me not to humor-ize every one of my blogs. I’ve dulled it down because, let’s be honest- there’s a time and a place. Plus, this YAV year is supposed to be helping me mature, and I feel that should be reflected in my writing. But I feel as if now, on this sunny April morning, it’s finally time to let ‘the other side’ show.

Of course, there is much more that I’m sure will be learned in the coming months, but I don’t want to lose sight of what has already been experienced. Plus, I’ve been wanting to write a blog that includes a list. (Although, now that I think of it, I’m not entirely sure why.)

Anyways, here we go:

o One cannot make themselves a morning person, no matter how early they go to bed the night before or how much caffeine they drink . Believe me, I’ve tried both things… well ok, so mostly just the latter one.

o Cover your kitchen compost bucket to avoid attracting bugs, BUT still expect to get a face full of spastic fruit flies when you open it back up, because no matter how tight the lid is sealed, those tiny little buggers will find a way in.

o Chickens will eat almost anything. No wait, correction- chickens will eat anything. They’re like avian goats.

o A “dry heat” is still undeniably heat, don’t believe otherwise. Heat is heat is heat… and that’s how I feel about that.

o Hanging your wet clothes up to dry on a clothes line during a Tucson summer day works faster than a clothes dryer ever will. Your socks will stop dripping before you even turn around.

o Even if a city is considered “bike friendly” and drivers are reminded to “share the road”, that does not mean every driver is automatically sweet and considerate to bicyclists. ‘Nuff said.

o When you get so tired you’re slap-happy, and all of your housemates are in the same delirious state, that’s when you’ll laugh until you cry. Sleep deprivation = worth it for about 2 minutes of laughing so hard you can’t breathe.

o Working with children of various ages opens your eyes to the world of quirky insults. A few personal favorites from an adorable 8-year old who shall go unnamed: “You’re all up in my Kool-Aid and I don’t even know the flavor!” and “The wheel in your head is spinning, but the hamster in there is probably dead” oh, and of course- “Welcome to your own medicine!”

As you can see, this year has undoubtedly been filled with both serious as well as funny memories, and in my opinion they are both equally as important.

As Elbert Hubbard once said- “Don’t ever take life too seriously. You’re not getting out alive.” And while that could be taken as a bit morbid if you read into/over-think it, I’d like to agree with him. Even the bible has wise words regarding such things. Proverbs 17:22 says “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” So everyone- please don’t ever lose your senses of humor. A good laugh heals more than you’d think.


One comment on “On the Sunny Side

  1. Ginny Brown and David Wallace says:

    Tavi, I love it! We were just talking about much fun you can have with crazy people and that makes life so much better. I am glad you have such a great sense of humor and adventure. Ciao, Mom

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